Li Wang 王砺

Supervisors: Timothy Baldwin and Su Nam Kim

A picture of Li, taken in 2008

PhD Completed 5 Feb 2015

Language Technology Group
Dept of Computing and Information Systems
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010, Australia

Office:  Room 8.19, Level 8, Doug McDonell Building (I am no longer here)
Email:  e-mail address


I just started an exciting new adventure in Evernote, as a Machine Learning Software Engineer. As part of the Augmented Intelligence team, I am working on improving Evernote, so Evernote can make users smarter.

PhD Thesis

Knowledge discovery and extraction of domain-specific web data

Research Interests

My research interests lie in knowledge discovery and content extraction from social media data. My current research focuses on improving information access over troubleshooting-oriented web user forums, by utilising and combining Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval technologies.



Last modified: Mon Nov 16, 2015 03:16PM